La Française Group

A committed actor


La Française Group positions itself as a sustainable and committed investor, considering the impacts of its decisions and activities on Society and the Environment. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) entails becoming aware and acting at the heart of one’s business and strategy, 

integrating one’s externalities, meeting stakeholders’ expectations and ensuring respect for the Environment. CSR is one of the Group’s strategic axes for creating long-term value. 

A responsible approach

As a recognised actor in the Asset Management industry, La Française Group has the responsibility of the comprehensive implementation of its CSR policy while affirming its ambitions and commitments both in the context of its core business as an investor, as well as in its daily operations as a company. The Group uses its capacity for innovation to design investment solutions that bridge performance and sustainability.

It is thus essential for the Group to align the regulatory sustainability requirements in the selection of its investments with the commitments it has made to itself and the relationship with its stakeholders, first and foremost its employees, but also its customers and suppliers. The document La Française commits regroups the entirety of the policies and codes implemented within the Group and demonstrates that human capital and the environment are at the top of its priorities. Furthermore, a code of conduct titled Ethics and Transparency, has been developed with the help of the Group’s employees and stakeholders.

To find out more, please consult the document 
La Française Group CSR policy

Raison d'être

The Group’s raison d’être demonstrates a strong ambition in line with those of the most committed companies in terms of CSR. 
La Française relies on its expertise and capacity for innovation to design investment solutions that combine performance and sustainability, convinced that no investment can be profitable if it is not sustainable. 
This raison d’être is based on four principles. 


The world is going through a period of disruption marked by ecological, social and, more recently, health crises that act as catalysts for change. Emerging sociological and economic trends have suddenly become dominant.


Contribute to defining the basis for new benchmarks and activating new levers of performance that must have a positive impact both on profitability and on their social and environmental implications.


Use our capacity for innovation to create value on an individual level through the profitability of the investment and on a collective level through its social and environmental impact.


See the world not as it is but as we would like it to be. Transforming this altruistic vision of living well together into a pragmatic investment approach with dual impact (profitability and sustainability).

Four pillars

Initiated and supported at the highest level by the Group's management, CSR policy is a strategic issue for La Française. It is reflected in the desire to combine performance, responsibility, ethics and transparency. The Group's Management Board therefore rules on CSR issues as often as necessary.

In this respect, and after having discussed with all its stakeholders, the Group is strengthening both its commitment as a Responsible Company and its objectives as a Sustainable Asset Manager, and is deploying an approach based on four pillars.

Sustainable Investment
Climate and Biodiversity
Governance and positive influence
Human Capital

As a responsible company and an asset manager of financial and real estate assets, the Group assumes its responsibility in a clear and committed manner through its decisions, activities and financial products. 

The Group ensures through the defined strategy that its actions and investments are in line with efforts to fight climate change and preserve biodiversity. It assesses the impacts of its Asset Manager and Responsible Company approach. 

The Group guarantees the implementation of its CSR policy and ensures its strategic positioning to achieve and monitor the objectives set. An influential, committed and voluntary player, it supports civil society through its involvement as a responsible asset manager. 

The Group considers employees and the Human Resources (HR) function to be key to anchoring CSR in the company, promoting positive actions and good practices in CSR.

Ambitions and Priorities

La Française Group’s CSR Strategy is based on four pillars and 12 stakes:

Sustainable Investment
Transparency of information and client satisfaction
Sustainable Investment
Ambitious and certified investment selection approach
Sustainable Investment
Research & innovation
Governance & Positive Influence
Knowledgeable and lasting client relations
Governance & Positive Influence
Ethical and loyal practices
Governance & Positive Influence
Positive Influence, Dialogue & Communication
Climate & Biodiversity
The fight against climate change
Climate & Biodiversity
Biodiversity preservation
Human Capital
Wellbeing in the workplace
Human Capital
Skill development
Human Capital
Social dialogue
Human Capital
Sustainable investment and climate strategy

The Group’s 5th “Sustainable Investment and Climate Report” underlines the continuity of the efforts made within the framework of its ambition of being a sustainable actor. 

To find out more, please consult the document 
La Française Group CSR Policy

CSR Governance

A rigorous governance structure enables the deployment of the strategy to be monitored and guarantees the successful execution of the Group's CSR approach. It oversees the quantifiable medium- and long-term objectives and

ensures their appropriation at all levels of the company. The trust on which relations with the various stakeholders are based commits La Française to the effective implementation of its CSR policy.

Three forces at work

The governance of the CSR strategy is ensured by a system that includes the Group's own organisation, as well as the changes made to its steering and supervisory bodies to monitor commitments.

In particular, it relies on:

A Global Head of Sustainable Investing

Member of the Executive Committee and reporting to the Corporate Secretary, he is responsible for the deployment of sustainable investment across the asset management divisions and the research teams, and for the coordination of the Group’s CSR strategy.

A Sustainable Investment Executive Committee

Led by the Global Head of Sustainable Investing, this Committee defines the development strategy for Sustainable Investment.

The Supervisory Board

The appointment of a CSR referent to the Group’s Supervisory Board, who is also a member of the Group's Audit and Risk Committee, attests to the commitment and ambition of the Group.

To find out more, please consult the document 
La Française Group CSR Policy

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