
CIGOGNE Management is an alternative management company offering a range of thematic or diversified alternative funds.

Alternative management serves as a complement to traditional management of which the objective is to offer absolute performance decorrelated from the financial markets trends. 
Through the use of additional financial instruments and techniques, it allows to exploit the inefficiencies than can arise in financial markets, particularly during periods of high volatility. The management company offers three investment solutions – AIF funds, UCITS funds and structured products – and six areas of expertise: ABS/MBS, CLO, Convertible, Credit, Fixed Income and M&A.


“Our greatest success lies in our track record, but only in terms of management and products over almost 20 years, as reflected in the performance of our flagship fund. Despite difficult markets, we have been able to deliver consistent performance while adapting our management to take account of market paradigm shifts and seize opportunities.”

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