Faced with growing market complexity and volatility, being able to adjust exposure to market conditions is a must. To further diversify portfolios and adapt our clients’ risk tolerance, we offer a diversified management offering, which is...
- Responsive to capture market opportunities across a variety of asset classes,
- Supported through a delegated management and advisory service (mandate, advisory management, arbitrage),
- Diversified via multi-management to distribute assets between several fund managers or management styles and aim for efficiency by independently selecting the optimal market solutions among UCITS across all asset classes or,
- Targeted via funds of funds to benefit from the specific expertise of many managers.
We also offer the possibility of accessing directly held securities of listed companies or benefiting from a strategic allocation integrating global equity management.
Lastly, we have a dedicated management team specialising in employee savings schemes.
Diversified management applies to several management companies within La Française Group:
- Crédit Mutuel Asset Management,
- Bank of Luxembourg Investments (BLI),
- La Française SAM,
- New Alpha Asset Management for multi-management,
- Crédit Mutuel Gestion for delegated management and advisory services
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