Company authorisation may be viewed on these websites:
- AMF :
- ACP :
- Orias :
The European Directive on “Markets in Financial Instruments” (known as MiFID) established a comprehensive regulatory framework on order execution that is meant to allow competition in Europe between various trading venues. Such venues include regulated markets, multilateral platforms for trading and order-execution conducted by investment services providers, particularly through systematic internalisation, i.e., the Investment Service Provider matches orders to buy and sell financial instruments from clients in-house, thereby running an “internal” market.
As such, MiFID is aimed at:
It covers financial instruments and defines new obligations in terms of:
La Française has made its policies on Best Selection and Conflicts of Interest, which meet these regulatory requirements, available to its clients.
To view the Remuneration policy of GLF, click here.
To view the Remuneration policy of the Investment Firm, click here.
To view the policy on order execution and selection of financial intermediaries implemented by La Française Group and its entities, click here.
To view the policy on conflicts of interest implemented by La Française Group and its entities, click here.
To view the policy on information requests and client claims implemented by La Française Group, click here.
La Française recommends that, before subscribing to its products, clients contact their usual advisor in order to make sure that these products are appropriate and meet their needs.
All subscriptions must be based on legal documents (prospectus or fact sheet from the Fund, articles of association, regulation, quarterly reports and annual reports). The documents are available upon request from each asset management firm, from their website or from the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF - French securities regulator). Tax treatment depends on each client’s individual situation and this may be changed later.
In accordance with Article 314-76 of the AMF's general regulations, the client will receive, upon request, details on the compensation paid to its financial advisor for selling the product.
The Dodd-Frank Act – impact on clients subscribing to vehicles from La Française Group’s French asset management firms.
Prospects/clients/distributor partners are informed that the products presented on this website can only be offered in jurisdictions, countries and states where the sale and promotion of said products is allowed.In this respect, the Dodd-Frank Act, which has entered into force, imposes specific restrictions on asset management firms and all other stakeholders on the French market with respect to the sale and promotion of their products. More specifically, LF REM can no longer sell its real estate investment company (SCPI) units to associates and clients subject to United States legislation due to their place of residence.LF REM therefore cannot record subscriptions from clients in this category on the share register of these SCPIs.For other investment vehicles managed by La Française Group’s asset management firms, it is worth consulting your advisor to find out whether you may subscribe to a particular vehicle, based on whether your tax status renders you subject to United States legislation.
To view the definition of US persons, click here.
To view the UK Tax Strategy, click here. This tax strategy sets out the group’s approach to conducting its UK tax affairs and managing the associated tax risks.
To view the Summary of Investor rights, click here.
In accordance with regulatory requirements set out in Article 314-82, La Française Asset Management provides shareholders with a report on brokerage fees. To view it, click here.
A limited company regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong, with its registered office at Rm 1101 Chinachem Tower, 34-37 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong
LFREM, authorised by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers under number GP 07000038 on 26 June 2007 (AMF). Professional Card issued by the Paris Police Prefecture - Real estate transaction number T12056.
To view the remuneration policy implemented by La Française Real Estate Management, click here.
La Française Group UK Finance Ltd is a private limited company registered at Companies House in England and Wales under company number 4717154 and having its registered office at 6th Floor, 17 St Swithin’s Lane, London EC4N 8AL.
To view the privacy policy, click here.
To view the Remuneration policy, click here.
To view the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023, click here.
Simplified joint stock company with share capital of EUR 2,483,720 - registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 450 500 012 – VAT number FR 18450500012
Creation date: 21 October 2003
Authorisation: GP-05000001
To view the Remuneration policy of NAAM, click here.
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