Views and Ideas

Not Risky After All?

13 July 2018

Contrary to popular belief, focused portfolios, or those with 50 or fewer securities, have not historically produced more risk than traditional portfolios over 3-,5-, and 10-year periods according to a recent Greenwich Associates study. Additionally, institutional investors believe such portfolios offer greater alpha potential.

Focused Strategies Have Typically Delivered Lower Risk


  • Measures of risk such as beta and down market capture have generally been lower in focused strategies than in highly diversified portfolios across many domestic equity asset classes and over 3-, 5- and 10-year time horizons. Beta measures the volatility of a portfolio in comparison to the broader market. Down market capture measures an investment manager’s overall performance relative to a benchmark in down markets.2
  • Thus focused portfolios have delivered lower risk than diversified strategies over these time periods. According to research, many investors expect that a portfolio of just 50 stocks can realize the primary risk-reduction benefits associated with a diversified portfolio.3
  • Many investors also consider high-conviction focused portfolios a source of outperformance, which is supported by various academic studies (see Focused Portfolios: Swinging at the Right Pitches).

1,2,3 Greenwich Associates. The Power of Focus: Looking for Alpha in a Sea of Beta, 2017.

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