

29 September 2022

Dear Shareholder, The Company’s board of directors (the "Board") would like to inform you about the contemplated merger of BNP Paribas Securities Services S.C.A. ("BP2S") and BNP Paribas S.A. ("BNPP") (the "Merger").

BP2S will be absorbed by BNPP. As a result of the Merger, all of the assets, liabilities and activities of BP2S will transfer to BNPP by way of universal succession of title, and BNPP will assume all the functions and services entrusted to BP2S and its branches. In the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Merger will be materialized by the absorption of BP2S – Luxembourg Branch by BNPP – Luxembourg Branch.

From a practical point of view, this Merger will have no impact on the operational, organisational and commercial flows currently in place and will not cause any additional costs to you. It does not affect the commitments between BP2S and its clients as they are fully taken over by BNPP. However, this Merger has some practical consequences, which we would like to share with you:

  1. As from 1 October 2022, BNPP - Luxembourg Branch will take over BP2S - Luxembourg Branch’s role as depositary of the funds you invested in;
  2. As from 1 October 2022, BNPP - Luxembourg Branch will take over BP2S - Luxembourg Branch’s role as central administrator, including the role as transfer agent of the funds you invested in, to the extent applicable.


The prospectus of the Company will be updated to inter alia reflect the change described in this notice. A copy of each updated prospectus will be available free of charge upon request at the registered office of the Company. 

The Board

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