La Française commits and signs the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge!
La Française, a €55 billion multi-asset class investment manager (as at 31/12/2021), is one of the five new signatories of the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge, whereby signatories commit to protecting and restoring biodiversity through their finance activities and investments by:
- Collaborating and sharing knowledge
- Engaging with companies
- Assessing impact
- Setting targets
- Reporting publicly on the above before 2025
Laurent Jacquier-Laforge, Global Head of Sustainable Investing of La Française Group concluded, “La Française is proud to be among the group of 89 leading financial institutions to formally commit to protect, restore and sustainably manage natural resources through a responsible investment strategy based on engagement and which prioritizes biodiversity. As a responsible investor, our goal is to design and manage investment solutions that reconcile performance and sustainability.”
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