Sustainable investment

IPCC What the latest report says

05 April 2022

Completed on 30 | 03 | 2022

For three decades, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been an  intergovernmental body responsible for assessing the state of knowledge, causes and  consequences of climate chance. The IPCC publishes reports that serve to alert politicians  and the public. With more than a hundred researchers around the world, the IPCC’s reports  are a synthesis of all studies carried out by the scientific community and are a reference on  climate issues. The IPCC reports are validated every year or two by the 195 UN member  countries. 

In its latest report, released on 28 February 2022, the IPCC sets out five warning points concerning the climate:


First of all, the IPCC states for the first time that man’s responsibility for global warming is certain. Thanks to the progress in climatology and the available date, the IPCC can affirm human responsibility. Natural factors have hardly contributed to global warming. The increase of about  +1.1°C since 1850 is attributed to human activities. According to the IPCC we are very close to 
reaching a point of no return. 


Global warming is set to reach +1.5°C. In its latest report, the IPCC presents a panel of five  different socio-economic scenarios (SSPSs). Thus, apart from the most optimistic scenario (SSP1), 
the global warming threshold could be reached by 2030, 10 years earlier than the IPCC’s  previous estimate. An increase of 1.5°C, even temporarily, would have significant impacts on  ecosystems such as glaciers and coral reefs. 


Sea levels are rising as a result of climate change, including the melting of ice caps. By 2050,  one billion people could be living in coastal areas at risk. This figure could double by 2100 under 
the worst-case scenario, which suggests a rise of more than one metre. Since 1900, sea levels  have risen by 20 cm and could continue to rise by a further 20 cm by 2050. About 900 million
people now live less than 10 metres above sea level. 


Methane emissions are increasing alarmingly and are one of the main sources of environmental  warming along with carbon dioxide (CO2). However, the harmful potential of methane emissions 
is 84 times greater than that of CO2. The report shows a 6% increase in methane emissions over  the past 10 years. Furthermore, at COP26, an agreement was reached to reduce methane  emissions by 30% between 2020 and 2030. Currently, 111 countries are signatories. Unfortunately,  China and India are absent. The main sources of methane emissions are landfills and incinerators,  oil and gas extraction and transport, agricultural activities, coal mines, etc. 


The IPCC warns of the catastrophic impacts on humans. Experts estimate that half of the world's  population, between 3.3 and 3.6 billion people, are already "highly vulnerable" to the  consequences of climate change. It is one of the ten important figures of the second part of the  IPCC's 6th assessment report. Reduced efficiency of carbon sinks, extinction of species,  increased disease, agricultural losses are, among others, examples of the consequences that  will result from a warming climate. The IPCC calls for adaptation to meet the urgency of the  situation and for everyone - governments, the private sector, civil society - to work together to achieve it.

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