As the Extraordinary General Meeting convened on first call on 4 November 2024 at 4pm was unable to deliberate on the resolutions due to the lack of a quorum, the shareholders have been reconvened for a second Extraordinary General Meeting, to be held:
on 15 November 2024 at 16h00
at the Company's registered office at 128 Boulevard Raspail - 75006
Paris, to consider and vote on the following agenda:
- The reading and approval of the report of the Board of Directors and the Statutory Auditor's report;
- The reading and approval of the merger agreement which provides for the absorption of CM-AM Obli Corpo* ISR by the LA FRANCAISE OBLIGATIONS CARBON IMPACT** sub-fund of the LA FRANCAISE FUND;
- Approval of the terms and conditions of the merger;
- Determination of the completion date of the merger and the valuation of the assets for the purpose of determining the exchange parities;
- A capital increase through the issue of new shares and fractions of new shares following the contributions resulting from the merger;
- Powers to be granted to the Board of Directors for the purpose, under the supervision of the Statutory Auditors, of completing the merger, valuing the net assets of the FUND and determining the exchange parities on the date set by the Extraordinary General Meeting;
- Powers to carry out formalities.
*This fund is not registered in Finland
**This subfund is not registered in Finland
In accordance with current legislation, shareholders are informed that all the documents provided for in Articles R 225-81 and R 225-83 of the French Commercial Code are available at the Company's registered office and will be sent free of charge to any shareholder who requests them.
Shareholders who meet the conditions set out in Article R 225-71 of the Commercial Code may ask the Board of Directors to add items or draft resolutions to the agenda. They must be sent by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the registered office. In order to be considered, these requests must be received five days before the meeting and be accompanied by the text of the draft resolutions and a share certificate.
All shareholders, regardless of the number of shares they own, have the right to attend this meeting, to be represented by a shareholder, by their spouse or by the partner with whom they have entered into a civil partnership, or to vote by post in accordance with Articles L 225-106 and L 225-107 of the French Commercial Code.
The right of any shareholder to take part in the meeting or to be represented at the meeting is subject to the registration of his shares, either in his name or in the name of the intermediary registered on his behalf, at midnight (Paris time) two business days prior to the meeting.
If you wish to vote by post, you can obtain a voting form from the Company at: La Française - 128, boulevard Raspail – 75006 Paris. Requests for such forms must be sent by registered post with acknowledgement of receipt and must reach the Company at least six days before the date of the meeting.
Remote voting forms will only be processed if they reach the Company two days before the date of the Meeting, accompanied by a certificate issued by the custodian of these shares proving that they have been recorded in the register dated two days before the date of the Meeting.
If you vote by post, you will not have the option of attending the meeting in person or being represented by proxy
The present notice serves as notice of meeting, subject to no change being made to the agenda, following requests for the registration of draft resolutions submitted by shareholders.
Unless otherwise instructed, proxies and postal votes received for the Extraordinary General Meeting called for 4 November 2024 at 4 p.m. (the date for the first notice of the meeting) shall remain valid for the Extraordinary General Meeting called for 15 November 2024 at 4 p.m. and for all other successive General Meetings with the same agenda.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors