
Antoine Le Treut joins La Française Real Estate Managers as Deputy Managing Director in charge of the Institutional Division for France

27 June 2024

Paris, 27 June 2024 - La Française Real Estate Managers (REM), a real estate asset management company with nearly 30 billion euros in assets under management (as at 31/03/2024), is pleased to announce the arrival and appointment of Antoine Le Treut as Deputy Managing Director, in charge of the Institutional Division for France (Asset and Fund Management), effective 27 June 2024. In this capacity, Antoine Le Treut succeeds David Rendall, who will focus on developing La Française Real Estate Managers' international real estate business. Since joining La Française in 2014, David Rendall has spearheaded the expansion of international real estate asset management, including establishing a presence in Seoul and Singapore.

As a recognized European real estate actor, La Française REM is a key component of the La Française group's unlisted business line. Antoine Le Treut will pursue the development of the real estate management mandate offering and more generally distribution activities with institutional investors in France.

Supported by thirty professionals, Antoine Le Treut will report to Philippe Depoux, CEO of La Française Real Estate Managers.

" I am particularly pleased to welcome Antoine Le Treut, with whom I have already had the opportunity to work at Gecina. He will bring to La Française REM his fine knowledge of the French real estate market and its actors, as well as his vast experience as an investor, seller and real estate asset manager. He will be responsible for developing the real estate activity in France for institutional investors. Over the course of his career, Antoine has closed over a hundred transactions across all asset classes, representing close to 16 billion euros," said Philippe Depoux, CEO of La Française REM. " In turn, David Rendall will focus entirely on international real estate business development, a priority for La Française REM. In addition to his role as Head of International Real Estate, David Rendall will expand his responsibilities to include Managing Director La Française REM UK, thereby succeeding Peter Balfour, recently retired.”

Antoine Le Treut, 42, Deputy Managing Director - Institutional Division - France


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