
The HR policy of La Française is steeped in the DNA of its team, which upholds the values of community, accessibility and effectiveness. It pays special attention to the social climate and demonstrates its drive to be part of the action!

My Career at La Française


Right from the start, our employees are guided through a defined path that provides:

  • a welcome meeting with their manager
  • dedicated discussion time with a payroll manager
  • the introductory morning
  • check-ins with HR and management

Throughout your career, we are here to offer you personal guidance via several resources:

Job Training

La Française is solidly focused on training and motivating its employees, to offer greater professionalism in line with its clients' expectations and foster career progression through skills development. Our dynamic training policy represents the diversity of business lines in the Group and results in a significant investment in Continuing Professional Development.

Support for managers

The Group's managers benefit from a special support programme that promotes leadership, caring, and innovation in their managerial practices. This system is part of disseminating a common managerial culture. They are also supported on a daily basis by the HR teams, who help them respond specifically to their issues and challenges.

Mobility and Career Development

At La Française, the mobility process fits in with our drive toward personalised support. It is a reality for the Group and is considered on a case-by-case basis at every level. Our success stories are many: a change in business lines, developments within a position (increased responsibilities, adjusted scope, projects, etc.), even a step into management.

Students at La Française

The goal of our HR policy is to attract and retain talented young people. We develop partnerships with schools and universities that target our core business. We regularly attend school job forums and hiring events.

Because immersion is important for our students, we offer opportunities with rich and varied responsibilities, as well as an environment that helps them develop their skills and promotes personal growth.

In this regard, La Française is proud of creating and leading its student community, the Blue Buds, where interns and work-study trainees can get together.
We hire proactive students with a specific interest in financial services and an ability to adapt to our corporate culture for 6-12-month internships.

Our Business Lines

This is how La Française groups the "core business" lines of its flagship activities in France and abroad:

  • Securities

    Fund management (credit and equities), Financial Engineering, Risk Management, Middle Office, and more.

  • Real Estate

    Asset Management (commercial and residential properties), Real Estate Fund Investments, and Fund Management.

But there's more!

To develop our different core and emerging activities, we count on all our employees on these teams:

  • Business Development

    But there's more! which includes Sales, organised by client segment, Marketing, and Tendering

  • IT

    since most of our software is developed in-house and requires close proximity to the business lines

  • Digital

    with a dedicated team to focus our ambitions in innovation, digitalisation, and Emerging Business

  • Group Internal Control and Risk Control

    which enforces the rules pertaining to the financial industry and asset management, and the rules common to all companies

  • Communications

    which promotes La Française and its commitments to current and potential investors

  • Legal

    which plays an active role in our Group's business and structural development

  • Support

    such as Finance and Human Resources, which puts their skills to work in a demanding and stimulating environment.

Quality of Life at Work and Group Commitments

La Française is a company committed to its employees' well-being and to promoting diversity.

In the interest of work/life balance, employees have the option of:

  • Working remotely one day a week according to rules set by agreement;
  • Benefiting from our partnership with the BABILOU child-care network to facilitate access to childcare;
  • Having access to RESPONSAGE, an organisation that provides support and counselling to caregiver employees;
  • Accessing the sports and cultural activities of La Française Group’s Sports Association (l’AS);
  • Getting involved by leaving on a Congé Solidaire® solidarity leave, thanks to our partnership with Planète Urgence.

Equally aware that an inclusive organisation is a valuable asset, we advocate for several measures and actions promoting equality and diversity, and:

  • Take pride in our number-three position in the financial industry with a score of 94/100 on the Professional Gender Equality Index;
  • Provide a range of options promoting parenting, for women and men alike;
  • Are committed to hiring, promoting, and training, in accordance with non-discrimination and in favour of gender equality;
  • Have deployed a policy for employees with disabilities for several years. In practice, this includes our partnership with the Association Tremplin; the disbursement of Universal Employment Services (CESU) cheques; access to Employment Rehabilitation Establishments and Services (ESAT); importantly, individual guidance for employees applying for Recognition of Status as a Disabled Worker (RQTH); and, lastly, education of all our employees about these issues. 

Read more about our recruitment privacy policy.

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