
La Française attracted inflows of more the €3 billion during the first quarter of 2017


La Française generated inflows of €3.1 billion in the first quarter of 2017 from its wide range of investor segments. Group inflows thus climbed an impressive +6%, increasing from almost €60 billion at 31 December 2016 to €63.7 billion at 31 March 2017, with international investors accounting for more than 14%.

Inflows since the beginning of the year have been driven by strong interest in the Group’s flagship areas of expertise, which cover:

  • long-term investments in securities, including multi-strategy fixed income investments,
  • real estate - which remains a highly sought after asset class in the current economic environment,
  • continued appetite for La Française Investment Solutions funds,
  • and money market investment solutions.

The contribution to this result, of each of the group’s poles of activity and of all customer segments, highlights and confirms, once more, the relevance of La Française’s business model.

La Française maintains its strong growth thanks to an activity that has exceeded its objectives and a positive market effect.

> Click here to read the press release

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