
Jean-Luc Hivert, appointed Global Head of Investments of La Française AM


La Française changes the organization of its fund management team and appoints Jean-Luc Hivert, currently Managing Director of La Française AM, as Global Head of Investments of La Française AM. He will thus assume the role of CIO for all the securities asset classes covered by La Française AM.

With more than twenty years of experience in asset management, Jean-Luc Hivert relies on a team of approximately forty professionals organized by division.

On equity management, following the appointment of Laurent Jacquier-Laforge as Global Head of Sustainable Investing for the La Française Group, Nina Lagron is appointed Head of Large Cap Equities.

The other asset classes are under the responsibility of:

  • Odile Camblain le Mollé - Head of Multi Management & Private Wealth, 
  • Jérôme Fauvel - Head of Small Cap Equities,
  • Paul Gurzal - Head of Credit, 
  • Maud Minuit - Head of Fixed Income & Cross Asset, 
  • François Rimeu - Deputy Head of Cross Asset & Senior Strategist.

Jean-Luc will also be supported in his new functions by Joel Konop, who is appointed COO (Chief Operating Officer).

Patrick Rivière, Managing Director of La Française concludes, "Jean-Luc’s cross-asset skills coupled with his professionalism will make it possible to optimize synergies within the management team of La Française AM and to pursue the development of innovative solutions with high added value for the benefit of our customers.”

Jean-Luc began his career in 1997 at Vega Finance and then at Cyril Finance as Convertible Bonds Manager. He joined La Française des Placements in 2001. As Co-Head of Fixed Income Management, Jean-Luc innovated and contributed to the launch of the fixed maturity fund concept, one of La Française's "key differentiation factors" to this day.

He holds a DESS in "Finance" from the University of Paris VI (1996), a MIAGE - "Computer Methods Applied to Business Management" (1995) and a MASS in "Applied Mathematics and Social Sciences" from the University of Paris XII (1993).

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