Covid-2019 – Communication La Française Group


Recent actions taken by several European countries in the fight against Covid-19 and last night’s announcement by President Macron placing France in lockdown, signify a new stage in the crisis.

To our investors and business relations, La Française would like to convey our commitment to providing quality asset management services un-interrupted.

In accordance with professional obligations and standards, La Française has a business continuity plan that has been regularly updated and tested. Moreover, all La Française employees are equipped with the necessary equipment to work from home in the best possible conditions.

As of today, all La Française employees are working from home. 

With the IT organization and cyber security that we have put in place, we are pleased to inform you that even in such turbulent market conditions, we are able to ensure the continuity of our activities in asset and fund management. 

All phone numbers remain unchanged and function. During lockdown, remote communication methods are the only option. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information. 

Please rest assured that La Française is taking all possible action to ensure the continued operation of its business activities. 

We send you and your loved ones our best regards. We wish you health and serenity.

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