
Two more La Française AM Credit Funds awarded with the french SRI Label EN > DE


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La Française AM is pleased to announce that two additional credit funds have been awarded the prestigious French SRI (Socially Responsible Investment) Label, which is supported by public authorities and awarded by EY France, accredited as a certification body by COFRAC.

Paul Gurzal, Head of Credit at La Française AM, added “La Française AM can now offer its investors a complete range of eleven SRI-labelled funds, illustrating our advance in sustainable investment strategies, particularly low-carbon strategies developed in credit, equities and sovereign debt. Six of La Française AM's credit funds have been labelled and are jointly representative of our core areas of expertise, namely: subordinated debt, fixed maturity funds and our low carbon investment strategy."

  • La Française Global Coco, classified "Article 8" under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, seeks to outperform its benchmark, the ICE BofA Merrill Lynch Contingent Capital EUR Hedged Total Return Index over a recommended investment horizon of more than five years by gaining exposure to subordinated debt securities screened according to ESG investment criteria.
  • La Française Carbon Impact Floating Rates, classified "Article 9" under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, seeks to outperform (net of fees and over the recommended investment period of two years) the 3-month Euribor + 150 basis points for the I share through a target portfolio (non-contractual) of more than 100 securities combining the yields of High-Yield and Investment Grade floating rate securities. The issuers in the portfolio are screened in advance based on ESG criteria and analysed for their compatibility with the energy transition strategy. In addition, the fund is committed to having a weighted average of the portfolio's greenhouse gas emissions per euro invested at least 50% lower than the composite benchmark: 50% Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Corporate Index + 50% ICE BofAML BB-B Global High Yield Index.
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