Sustainable investment Corporate



La Française AM is pleased to announce that its newly launched high-yield global bond fund, La Française CREDIT INNOVATION, has been awarded the prestigious SRI (Socially Responsible Investment) Label, supported by French public authorities and awarded by EY France, accredited as a certification body by COFRAC.

Paul Gurzal, Head of Fixed Income, La Française AM, neatly sums up this achievement, "This label recognises the quality of the approach adopted by LA FRANÇAISE CREDIT INNOVATION which is based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. With La Française CREDIT INNOVATION, classified under Art. 9 in accordance with the Disclosure regulation , our clients can invest in the long-term trends  that stand to shape the world of tomorrow, namely population growth, urbanisation, climate change and technological innovation. Thanks to the active management of the fund, based on an in-depth knowledge of the issuers, we will select and position ourselves on responsible and growth-generating economic models."

  • The investment objective of La Française CREDIT INNOVATION, classified under "Article 9" in accordance with the Disclosure regulations,  is to outperform the BofA BB Global High Yield Index, net of fees, over the recommended investment period of 3 years, by investing in a portfolio of issuers that have been screened according to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria and of which at least 60% contribute positively and/or do not contribute negatively to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
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