
La Française, official sponsor of the 2019 edition of Fonds professionell Kongress, January 30 & 31, 2019 Mannheim, Germany


Over 6.000 industry specialists (consultants, insurance brokers, institutional investors, financial advisors, fund selectors etc.) are expected at this year’s Fonds professionell Kongress.

For the first time, La Française’s German International Business Development team will welcome investors on stand n°41. Senior Portfolio Manager, Nina Lagron has been invited to speak to investors about the emergence of a low carbon economy and resulting investment opportunities.

Nina Lagron, will argue that companies with the internal policies to address climate change and cut their greenhouse gas emissions, are strategically better positioned. Lower carbon emissions can translate into higher valuations and ultimately financial performance for investors.  

As climate change transitions from a regulatory to a business issue, companies are taking initiatives to mitigate the risks arising from climate change by considering the cost of carbon emissions. Just like a company with under-utilized capacity is deemed ineffective, excess emissions are now considered operationally ineffective and a potential liability.

When emissions bear a cost on an income statement, it helps investors to highlight inefficiencies and reward those companies that are cutting-down on their carbon emissions.

Fonds professionell Kongress, Mannheim, January 31, 2019 from 11:10 to 11:40

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