Views and Ideas

Portfolio Insights: Alger Dynamic Opportunities Strategy


Dieser Inhalt ist für professionelle Anleger im Sinne der MiFID-Richtlinie bestimmt.

Greg Adams and George Dai recently provided a portfolio update for clients in the Alger Dynamic Opportunities strategy. The call was hosted by Tyler Foster, a senior vice president and director of business development in our distribution organization.

Please note, this transcript is from a call on July 22, 2020 and it has been edited for clarity and brevity.

Tyler Foster: Thank you for joining us. I’m joined by Greg Adams and George Dai today, two portfolio managers on the Alger Dynamic Opportunities strategy.

Today's call will follow a Q&A format, which I will moderate, and we will have a couple of segments when we take questions from the audience.

George is senior managing director & co-chief investment officer. He
also serves as an analyst for the Weatherbie team, covering diversified business services, health care, and technology. George has been at Weatherbie for almost 20 years.

Greg is senior vice president, portfolio manager, and director of quantitative and risk management at Alger. Greg has been with Alger for nearly 15 years and has over 30 years of experience.

And with introductions now covered, let's kick things off and dive into the conversation. Greg, our first question goes to you. Can you provide your views of the long/short equity asset class as a whole and how you see Alger’s strategy fitting in among its peers in the alternatives category?

Greg Adams: The equity long/short category has a number of different flavors, from pure quantitatively driven strategies to more macro driven ETF-based strategies. Alger Dynamic Opportunities is a classic fundamental, research driven equity long/short strategy.

The strategy comprises two roughly equal sleeves. The Weatherbie team, which is George along with Josh Bennett and Dan Brazeau, manages one sleeve and focuses on small and smid cap names. The Alger team, which is myself and Dan Chung, our firm's CEO and chief
investment officer, manages the other sleeve, and we have more exposure to mid and large cap names. The net result is a fairly all-cap portfolio...

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