
Groupe La Française appoints Guillaume Cadiou chief exectuvie officer and member of the executive board

06 März 2023

Paris, 6 March 2023 – La Française, a multi-expertise asset management group, has strengthened its governance structure and announces the arrival of Guillaume Cadiou as Chief Executive Officer and member of the Executive Board of Groupe La Française.

Guillaume Cadiou is starting in his role today and will be based in Paris. He will assist Patrick Rivière, Chairman, in managing all of La Française group's activities and will work (side by side with Eric Charpentier, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of CIC and Chief Executive Officer of the Caisse Régionale de Crédit Mutuel Nord Europe) on the successful creation of the multi-boutique asset management business line, dedicated to third parties, of Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale.

This appointment confirms the ambitions of Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale, announced in September 2022, to fast-track the creation of a powerful Asset Management business line, which along with the La Française group would bring all the management structures1 of the Bancassurance group under a multiboutique model. It would therefore become a major player in the French Asset Management landscape, representing €166 billion in assets under management (as at 31/12/2022), located throughout Europe, active in Asia and offering a wide range of expertise including listed assets, real assets and alternative management.

Patrick Rivière, Chairman of Groupe La Française, stated: “I am very happy and proud to welcome Guillaume to the management team. He will bring a fresh and complementary perspective and will allow us to benefit from his rich experience in the public, industrial and financial sectors. In my mind, Guillaume has all the skills to support this formidable and ambitious project going forward".

Guillaume Cadiou, Chief Executive Officer and member of the Executive Board of Groupe La Française, stated: “I am delighted to join La Française and ready to take up this new challenge within Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale, a benefit corporation whose values are dear to me. My priority will be to help to cultivate the most efficient organisation and to ensure the rapid rise of this new French asset management champion, as well as to showcase the renowned expertise of the group's various management companies

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