La Française Asset Management targets a range of 100% sustainable open-ended funds

08 Februar 2021

La Française Asset Management (LFAM – a La Française Group asset management company) is pleased to announce its ambition to offer a range of 100% sustainable open-ended funds by the end of 2022.

This objective is in line with La Française Group's strategy. 73% of LFAM open-ended funds already meet sustainability criteria and seven are labelled (as at 31/12/2020). La Française Group began modelling its unique ESG (environmental, social and governance) approach in 2008 and since then, has achieved significant milestones including the launch of a Carbon Impact strategy which coincided with the signing of the Paris Agreement in 2015. The group is currently rolling out its sustainable strategy across all of its asset classes and, as such, will be able to offer a sustainable multi-asset product range.

La Française Group has invested in the means and resources necessary to achieve these objectives, in particular through its proprietary ESG research centre based in London: La Française Sustainable Investment Research (LF SIR). Its teams have worked on the implementation of innovative methodologies for measuring and forecasting carbon emissions. 

"We have strong ambitions. Fully committed since 2008, LFAM will continue to meet clients' expectations in terms of sustainable investment through a complete range of solutions representative of all our asset classes", explains Jean-Luc Hivert, Global Head of Investments and Chairman of LFAM. 

“Our commitment highlights a new juncture in our transition towards sustainable investment. The rigour of our methodologies and the acquired expertise of numerous specialists within the Group are proof of our dedication to transforming La Française AM into a committed stakeholder", adds Laurent Jacquier-Laforge, Global Head of Sustainable Investing, La Française Group.

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