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Alger on the Money - Is this trend your friend ?


This earnings season, Wall Street analysts expect S&P 500 EPS growth up 12% year-over-year in 1Q17, marking the longest period of earnings acceleration in over five years as well as the highest growth rate. The trend remains positive for several reasons.

  • The consensus forecast for this quarter’s earnings per share (EPS) growth is the highest in five years and the longest period of consecutive improvement.
  • This optimism is fueled by the large percentage of recent earnings reports that have exceeded estimates, 77%, compared to the 5-year average of 68%.
  • Continued strength after this quarter is expected based on positive-trending macroeconomic data such as the Leading Economic Index, which registered a record high for March (see p.13 in Capital Markets–Earnings Resurgence). Further, tax reform could be a catalyst for future earnings growth.


> Download Alger On the Money, A view on the U.S. Market

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