


Il presente contenuto è destinato a investitori professionali ai sensi della direttiva MiFID.

The board of directors of the Company (the "Board") would like to inform you of its decision to put the Sub-Fund in liquidation with effect as of 30 of March 2022 (the “Effective Date”).

Dear Shareholder,

In accordance with the articles of incorporation and the prospectus of the Company, the Board may decide to close a sub-fund in case the assets of such sub-fund fall below a threshold considered by the Board as being the minimum level of assets for such sub-fund to be operated efficiently. 

The assets under management of the Sub-Fund currently amount to approximately EUR 13 million, which does not allow for an efficient management (diversification, risk management etc.) of the SubFund. Therefore, the Board considers it in the best interests of the shareholders to put the Sub-Fund in liquidation as of the Effective Date. 

Subscriptions in the Sub-Fund have been suspended with effect from 28 of February 2022.

La Française Systematic Asset Management GmbH will bear the cost of the expenses incurred in the liquidation, including legal and regulatory charges associated with the disposal of the Sub-Fund’s investments. 

Tax status
This liquidation might affect the tax status of your investment and may give rise to a tax liability on any chargeable gains. We therefore recommend that you seek independent professional advice in these matters.

Your shares at liquidation
Any holding that you retain in the Sub-Fund on the Effective Date will be redeemed and cancelled on that date and the liquidation proceeds will be paid and sent to you in accordance with the payment instructions, which we hold on file for your account. 

Additional information
The Sub-Fund will cease to exist after the liquidation.
Any liquidation proceeds which cannot be distributed to shareholders after the close of the liquidation will be deposited in escrow on their behalf with the Caisse de Consignation in Luxembourg, from where you can claim them at any time within 30 years, after which they will become the property of the state. Should you require further information as to the action you should take, please contact your financial advisor.

On behalf of the Board 

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