
La Française expands its range of funds available on the IZNES platform

06 July 2021

El contenido del presente documento va destinado a inversores profesionales en el sentido de la Directiva MIF.

Paris, 6 July 2021: La Française, a management group with 56 billion euros in assets, has expanded its range of funds available on IZNES, the pan-European investment platform for UCI (Undertakings for Collective Investment) units and Blockchain record-keeping.

As of now, two La Française AM flagship funds, both awarded the French SRI Label, are available on the platform. The asset management firm hence offers its institutional clients the possibility to carry out all subscription and redemption operations in real time:

  • La Française Sub Debt, subordinated debt fund with more than 1 billion euros in assets under management (31/05/2021).

La Française Sub Debt is a diversified portfolio comprising approximately 130 subordinated debt securities with an average Investment Grade issuer rating of A- (Source: La Française, as of 31/05/2021), co-managed by Paul Gurzal, Head of Credit, and Jérémie Boudinet, Credit Portfolio Manager.

  • La Française Trésorerie ISR, money market fund with more than 7 billion euros in asset under management (as at 17/06/2021), co-managed by Philippe Ouvré and Fabien de la Gastine, Fixed Income Fund Managers.

Asset Class: Bonds and other debt securities denominated in euros.
Fund and units: La Française Sub Debt / Part C
ISIN Code: FR0010674978
Horizon: Over 10 years
Risk and return profile on a scale of 1 to 7 (7 corresponds to a higher risk and a potentially higher return):

5 (Associated risks: Risk of capital loss, interest rate risk, credit risk, risk arising from techniques such as derivatives, counterparty risk, risk associated with holding convertible bonds, risk related to contingent convertibles, equity market risk, potential risk of a conflict of interests, legal risk)

The French Financial Markets Authority reminds prospective investors that the annualized performance target in excess of 7% stated in the 'Management objective' section is based on the realisation of market assumptions set by the management company and it is not a guarantee of Fund return or performance.

Asset Class: Money Market
Fund and Units: La Française Trésorerie ISR / Part I
ISIN code : FR0010609115
Horizon: More than 3 months

Risk and return profile on a scale of 1 to 7 (7 corresponds to a higher risk and a potentially higher return):
1 (associated risks: discretionary risk, interest rate risk, credit risk, risk of capital loss, counterparty risk)

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