
La Française partners with Investeam Canada

15 May 2017

La Française, asset management firm headquartered in Paris, continues to pursue its ambitious long-term international expansion strategy alongside Investeam Canada.

After five years of successful development across Europe and more recently in Asia with the opening of a local office in Seoul, South Korea, which now represents close to €1bn in real estate assets under management, La Française, after carrying out the necessary due-diligence, has signed a third-party marketing agreement with Investeam Canada. Together, they will promote, to the Canadian institutional investor community, the European real estate expertise of La Française. 

Building on over forty years of investment management experience, La Française manages over €63bn in assets, €15.3bn of which are in real estate. La Française offers a complete investment management service in both direct and indirect commercial property investments for institutional and private clients across continental Europe, Asia, the UK and the Middle East. La Française, as a group, is a recognized specialist in core and core plus as well as value-added and opportunistic investment strategies, in the French, German, UK and Swedish real estate markets. Additionally, La Française is the leading collective real estate investment manager in France.1

Philippe Lecomte, CEO of La Française AM International and Head of Global International Business Development, said, “It is true. La Française’s international business development strategy is ambitious. However, as a group, we are committed to expanding our business to Canada, the fourth largest pension market in the world, and are prepared to make the necessary investments in order to create and cultivate longstanding business relations with Canadian institutional investors. We have handpicked Investeam Canada to assist us along the way. Their track record, as well as the quality of their people, speaks for itself.

Christophe Vandewiele, Managing Director of Investeam Canada, added, “La Française is a newcomer to the Canadian market, and we are certain that the quality of their real estate capabilities, as well as their credentials, will meet with the approval of institutional investors.”

1 Source: IEIF, as at 31/12/2016, in terms of assets under management; vehicle “Société Civile de Placement Immobilier”.

> To download the press release, please click here

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