
La Française innovates and joins the IZNES platform

08 June 2021

La Française, a management group with more than 55 billion euros in assets, has joined IZNES, the pan-European investment platform for UCI (Undertakings for Collective Investment) units and Blockchain record-keeping.

As a member of the working group since the project’s launch in 2017, La Française has actively contributed to the creation of IZNES and now, following the successful completion of an extensive test phase, has referenced on the platform a first investment vehicle, LF Trésorerie ISR, the group’s "flagship” money market fund with close to 8 billion euros in assets under management (as at 24/05/2021).

In doing so, La Française is able to offer its institutional clients the option of adopting a new, simplified customer experience. All fund subscription or redemption operations can in fact be carried out in real time. The platform offers a variety of advantages to La Française's institutional investors:

  • Access to a comprehensive product database, with all the features and documents relating to the funds;
  • Ability to view subscriptions and redemptions in real time, with cut-off times very close to those of the prospectus;
  • Access to recordkeeping updated in real time and registered in blockchain, guaranteeing immutability and traceability.

Thierry Gortzounian, Chief Operating Officer of La Française AM Finance Services declared: “La Française places the client at the heart of its strategy. Following the launch of our own digital distribution platform dedicated to retail investors, La Française continues to innovate in the interest of its investor base and has joined the IZNES platform. We can now offer our institutional clients, in France and across Europe, an alternative subscription channel. We operate in an ever-changing environment and are proud to have participated in this innovative project called IZNES".

Asset class: Money Market
Fund and Units: La Française Trésorerie ISR/ I units
ISIN code: FR0010609115
Horizon: More than 3 months
Risk and return profile on a scale of 1 to 7 (7 corresponds to a higher risk and a potentially higher return): 1 (associated risks: discretionary risk, interest rate risk, credit risk, risk of capital loss, counterparty risk)

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